- DDD92FEA5669D009A4E3E197F6FDA477 September 6, 2022 Clay Fest
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September 6, 2022 Clay Fest

9/6/22 CFSC Meeting

June 7th meeting minutes approved

Everyone remember to get your jobs up to date. (Do new Chairs who haven’t trained know how to do their jobs?)

It's time to contact your committees, if you haven't done so--your committee people are in the Move-In Packet, which I have sent to you (and which is supposedly on the website, although I still only see 2019's packet).

Kids’ Clay kits--Amy Hess

What will be in them? 1 lb of clay, instructions to take work to be fired at Georgie's, objects to make impressions in clay, sponges, project ideas,

Where will they be? In the empty booth space #45, with a table

Will there be information and instructions, and maybe suggestion to take to Georgie’s? Yes

Sign crediting Georgie's for clay

How will we announce work shift changes—every hour? Will the Info Table person on duty do it?


Gallery Display Chair handles these, but what will they be?

Gift certificates to Georgie's.

Vote Friday. Will be awarded Saturday night.

We aren’t having Flower Ladies, are we? Nope

Covid/viruses precautions:

Hand sanitizer station? Donated from whiteaker community counsel, in kids area or by front door

Masks recommended signs

Will we have some masks at the Info Table? Yes

Wrap and Hold area--Tracie Manso

There will be extra boxes and wrapping for customers

Post instructions at holding area since it is new.

Customers will be able to “check” their purchases with some kind of labeling system.

Will be located where demos usually are.

Does Tracie have any concerns such as:

Where will pots be held--under the tables? On the tables? What about oversized items?

Sign needed for holding area.

Do we need a sign at the back door (inside and/or outside) telling people they can pick up their pots there (door is otherwise not for customer entrance or exit). Better for customers to pick up their pots at the front.

Deb will go get signs made up—let her know what signs are needed.

Info Table--Dawn Craig:

Info booth sales will be just for gallery—no booth sales will take place at the info booth.

Do we need any instructions for the Info Table workers? Do we need any extra signs?

Are we ready to handle end-of-day or end-of-show accounting (Ziggy Blum)? Are participants going to know what to do, and when? Is there a form they will fill out?

Ziggy will hand out and collect daily sale sheets at the end of each day.

Commission sale numbers will be due Sunday night and either paid that day or an invoice sent later.

We have nobody on the wait list and we have one empty half booth--ideas for vacancies?

Could be a business such as Georgie’s, or MKAC promo or something else…

Could be Kids’ Kits and flyers for Georgie’s etc

Hand sanitizer...

GALLERY - Joe Geil: What size will the gallery be? Are we ready with extra light bulbs, and everything else?

What else? If you have other questions or concerns, let me know and I'll add it to the agenda

Frank will write about Clay Fest's changes for the website and back of map.

-No central sales

-Kids clay kit pick up


-Holding area

Post cards are completed and will be going out probably this week.

Spares will be at Georgie's

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