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Clay Fest Participants Info

Important dates:
4/1     Application available

5/15   Booth application deadline

6/4     Booth pick meeting (7:15 p.m. @ McNail-Riley House, 601 W 13th Ave. Eugene)
8/1   100% booth refund cancellation
8/31  50% booth refund cancellation
9/1   Move-in information posted on website 

9/15   Deadline for Gallery Only applications
10/11-10/13 Show dates!

Clay Fest Application

All Local Clay members are invited to apply to Clay Fest. It is a non-juried show that is welcome to all experience levels.

Electrical & Safety

It is critical that you read and understand the following electrical requirements before you set up.

Work Shifts

Find your 2024 work shifts here.

(Will be posted in September)

Advertising Images

Want to be on the advertising? 

Click here to find out more about image requirements. Submission deadline is 6/25.

Local Clay Membership

Join Local Clay and be part of our clay community. You will also be eligible to apply to Clay Fest .

Move In Schedule

This document provides key dates and times for move in, starting with the Thursday before show’s Friday evening opening.

Check In/Out & Security

Information about check in, load in, tear down, and load out. Also info about security, safety, and insurance.

Committee Jobs

Pre-show committee work. ALL Booth Holders are required to do one committee assignment.

(Will be posted in September)

Barcode Info

We are using barcode tags to make the sales more accurate and  faster, Here is everything you need to know.


Booth Assignment

The 2024 Booth Assignments have been posted. 

Updated 6/9/2024


Booth Tips

Booth sizes, walls, lighting, design ideas and 




Gallery & Awards

Information about the Clay Fest Gallery, details for Gallery-Only Participants, and Gallery Awards. 

Steering Committee

The Clay Fest Committee Chairs are a team of dedicated volunteers who keep Clay Fest going. 


The fine print.... all of the rules and regulations about how Clay Fest works 


Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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Thanks for submitting!

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